Monday, October 4, 2010


I have found this place and this place I do not want to leave
This place keeps me curious, oh how it has tricks up it's sleeve
In this place there is no room to grieve
Because in this place it's always Christmas eve
Some have different feelings about time but fuck the past
It's all about making it last
My broken soul came here to get out of it's cast
And at last
I have mobility
At last
There is no hostility
Seeing and thinking clearly,
At last
I have that ability
Ladies and Gentlemen
I have found tranquility
Come and allow me to take your hand
Please let me show you this promise land
Away from the drama and to an overactive hormone gland
Where the ground is sound and even the lows feel like white sand
I wish I could put it in a can
Open it back up when it gets bland
And take me back to good times like slavery to the Klan
I have found my pearl to my clam
I wish this is who I am
For some it's a woman
For some it's a man
For some it's an action, event or someone they call fam
Whatever it is makes you feel a certain way inside
When the enjoyment and the emotion is just too much to hide
I will be back to this place, it is now part of my historia
Until I find the next one, this one is called my Euphoria

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