Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Tipping on the horizon
Leaning over the edge of the present
Looking into the probable unknown
Ready to leap from the plane of the already happened
And fall freely into the oncoming new world
I am eager to rake this chance and meet the new world when I land
My heart is racing anxiety rushing and adrenaline moving
I have thought this through
Day in
night out

I jump into the future...

There is no turning back

Being pulled by the universal force of fate
I pull the cord just in the time to slow down
And take it in
To get ready
To prepare myself to land
This chute is my only way to make sure I do not
Splatter my brains and destroying myself
Leaving a sad, regretful and hurtful scene
This chute saves me from failure
From dying from trying

Monday, October 4, 2010

Unspoken Conversations

There is this silence...

This silence is intense.

U can hear a conversation between our shadows as they dance on the wall as the fireplace flickers softly

U were in the living room dancing so freely, like the pedal of a rose that founds it's way into the breeze of a clear blue ocean

Your smile was so elegant, I no longer felt pain as I saw u struggle to show ur smile

Because we all know it takes more muscles to smile than it does to frown

Yet u make it look like Jordan's jump shot, Shakespeare's poetry, Gallespie's trumpet easy

the way it lites up the room like a solar flare

God manipulated ur physical features to have the breath-taking ability

But now there is this silence...

Now I stand just inches from u ur breasts just barely out of reach of ur nipples as they ached to get out of the vicky secrets

We stare into each others eyes and as we both stare deeply we both play out the next moments in our imaginations

Touch by touch

Grab by grab

Kiss by kiss

Position by position

Tongue stroke by tongue stroke

Ur eyes r no longer filled with innocence but engulfed with passion as they watch my lips as I lick them

I watch u watch my lips

then u watch my eyes as the travel from ur eyes down ur neckline down to the curves u shud be so proud of

Then i move closer...

There is no turning back now

We must destroy this silence with the animal cries of multiple orgasms and commands of pleasure

I wrap my strong arms around ur torso as if ur touch is necessary to keep me alive

Ur leg slides between mine as u feel one of the roots of my cockyness

I bring my mouth within a breath of ur lips

U reach and only get my bottom lip

I move in

Sucking on ur top lip, then quickly sucking on ur bottom lip

No manners as my hands interrupt the conversation going on between your thighs

No words need to be spoken as your message is clear just with a quick glance in your eyes


I have found this place and this place I do not want to leave
This place keeps me curious, oh how it has tricks up it's sleeve
In this place there is no room to grieve
Because in this place it's always Christmas eve
Some have different feelings about time but fuck the past
It's all about making it last
My broken soul came here to get out of it's cast
And at last
I have mobility
At last
There is no hostility
Seeing and thinking clearly,
At last
I have that ability
Ladies and Gentlemen
I have found tranquility
Come and allow me to take your hand
Please let me show you this promise land
Away from the drama and to an overactive hormone gland
Where the ground is sound and even the lows feel like white sand
I wish I could put it in a can
Open it back up when it gets bland
And take me back to good times like slavery to the Klan
I have found my pearl to my clam
I wish this is who I am
For some it's a woman
For some it's a man
For some it's an action, event or someone they call fam
Whatever it is makes you feel a certain way inside
When the enjoyment and the emotion is just too much to hide
I will be back to this place, it is now part of my historia
Until I find the next one, this one is called my Euphoria